5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Bulk Ordering Garden Supplies

Ordering garden supplies in bulk offers numerous benefits, including convenience and saving money. However, you need to be prepared and have a plan, since some materials, such as soil and mulch, can lose their quality if not cared for properly.

There are essential mistakes to avoid when ordering garden supplies in bulk. We’ll discuss everything you need to know in this post!

1. You Don’t Take Time to Assess Your Needs

One of the most common mistakes is failing to accurately assess your garden’s needs before placing a bulk order. This can lead to over-purchasing or under-purchasing. 

Take the time to plan your gardening projects, measure your garden area, and calculate the exact quantities of supplies needed. This ensures you buy the right amount, avoiding waste and shortages.

2. Ignoring Quality for Cost

While bulk buying often offers cost savings, prioritizing price over quality can be detrimental. 

Low-quality supplies may be cheaper upfront but can lead to poor garden performance and the need for frequent replacements. Always research and choose reputable suppliers that offer high-quality products, even if it means paying a bit more.

3. Overlooking Storage Requirements

Proper storage is crucial when purchasing garden supplies in bulk. Many items, like seeds, fertilizers, and chemicals, require specific storage conditions to maintain their effectiveness. 

Failing to provide appropriate storage can result in spoiled or degraded products. Ensure you have adequate space and suitable conditions, such as cool, dry, and well-ventilated areas, before placing a bulk order.

4. Not Considering Environmental Impact

Gardeners are leaning more towards natural solutions for their landscaping needs to reduce their carbon footprint and promote healthier native ecosystems.

It doesn’t hurt to consider eco-friendly supplies where possible, such as organic mulches, clay pottery, and naturally sourced river rocks. This not only benefits your garden but also supports broader environmental sustainability.

5. Not Having a Plan

Lastly, failing to plan for the timely use of bulk supplies can lead to waste. Seeds can lose viability, and fertilizers can degrade if not used within a certain period. 

Create a schedule for using your supplies efficiently, ensuring they contribute effectively to your gardening efforts.