How to Store Bulk Garden Supplies Properly

There are so many benefits to purchasing garden supplies in bulk, such as mulch, landscaping stones, or soil. However, even after a major project is complete, you may have tons of leftover materials. 

Proper storage of bulk garden supplies is essential to maintain quality and extend usability. In this blog post, we share our expert tips on how to store them effectively.

Get Organized

You can avoid a ton of stress by organizing and labeling your supplies immediately. Where will you store everything? Do you have a covered, cool/dry space?

Use clear containers for smaller items like seeds and fertilizers. Label each container clearly to easily identify its contents. 

Shelving units can help keep larger items orderly and accessible. Group similar items together for easy retrieval and to prevent mix-ups.

Think About Climate Control

Many garden supplies, such as seeds and fertilizers, require specific climate conditions to remain effective. 

Store these items in a cool, dry place to prevent degradation. Avoid areas that experience extreme temperatures or high humidity, as these conditions can cause seeds to lose viability and fertilizers to clump or spoil.

Tool Care

Garden tools need to be stored properly to prevent rust and damage. Clean and dry your tools before storing them. Hang tools on pegboards or place them in tool racks to keep them off the ground and organized. Applying a light coat of oil can prevent rust, ensuring your tools remain in good condition for the next use.

Securing Chemicals

Garden chemicals, including pesticides and herbicides, should be stored safely out of reach of children and pets. 

Use lockable cabinets or shelves to store these products. Keep them in their original containers with labels intact, and ensure the storage area is well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of fumes.

The 101 on Bulk Soil and Mulch

For bulk soil and mulch, use covered bins or large plastic tarps to protect them from the elements. Moisture can cause mold and degradation, so keeping these materials dry is crucial. 

Elevated platforms or pallets can help keep soil and mulch off the ground, further protecting them from moisture and pests.